23 and Diagnosed.

by Kayla Day
(Fort Hood, Texas)

I was diagnosed last April at the age of 23. I knew something was wrong but I just couldn't get the doctors to listen to me and find out what was really wrong. So I just suffered through it. Once I was out of the military I went to a civilian doctor and was finally properly diagnosed. At first it was really hard for me to accept, my husband was deployed at the time and my daughter was only 3 years old. I couldn't believe that something this life altering and permanent was happening to me. The first few weeks were rough, really rough. But as I started to come to terms with my diagnosis, I threw myself into research. Learning as much as I could, going through case studies, published works, websites, and if it was written about Fibromyalgia I read it, twice. The most important thing I learned was that I needed to have balance in my life. I needed to find a way to balance out my life so that I could live as I wanted without Fibromyalgia pain. I am happy to say that I am now living without the interference of pain medicine and Doctors who treat me as a pin cushion. I have switched my diet to 75% Organic (my family is a little hesitant), and while my husband doesn't think that it has anything to do with it, I have seen vast improvement in my quality of life. I can do anything I want and still have enough of a balance that I can still function. While I can't predict events that will trigger my symptoms no matter how calm, cool, and collected I keep myself. I can still just power through it because I know that no matter how tough this gets, I beat Fibro. I may have it the rest of my life, but it doesn't control me, I control it.

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A lesson to all of us!
by: Philippe

You are an example for all of us! Fibromyalgia needs a number of approaches and usually they work only in a correct order, albeit incompletely as you know very well.

Your first step was so important: Learn about the disease, your disease!

Second step: As you say balance your life. This is what I call "pace yourself". We all have a Mount Everest to climb. Very few climb the geographical one in Nepal-Tibet. Many more climb a small hill but for some it is their Everest. For fibromyalgia sufferers it can be the house chores or just go through a day. You have found yours but you know it may vary from day to day. And around it you have established your priorities and "balanced your life" Well done!

Third step: Get the best diet you could. OK, the diet is not everything, but with the wrong one for you (and everyone is not the same), you decrease the stress by increasing the quantity of vitamins and minerals. By increasing the antioxidants and decreasing the pro-oxidants (those that generate free-radicals) you decrease the stress on your body, thereby decreasing the flares and impacts of your fibromyalgia.

Fourth step: You don't let fibro put you in a cage. OK, fibro has not disappeared but you look at it instead of being it.

Thank you for a wonderful story and teaching.

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