When I got fibromyalgia after a car accident my life was devastated. I could hardly carry on with my job that I loved because I was getting too tired and drained out by the pain. I was getting depressed despite the encouragements of my family. One day I went to a conference on chronic pain. There was a half hour lecture on pain management by a woman who had no medical training. She had fibromyalgia and had found very little support in the medical environment and she decided to find out what she could do about it. I was astonished by the three main points she made:
- accept your disease and accommodate your life with it
- learn as much as you can about it
- help others.
At the time I was still working and I thought about how I could help others. That was attracting to me because suddenly I could choose a path that would be useful. This is when I decided that I should go online and create a website. As you can imagine I had no knowledge on how to do it myself. Therefore, I decided to hire someone to do it. It did cost me money and I got a website that was nice but no one wrote to me. After many discussions I thought the website needed some nice drawings and I turned towards a graphic designer who convinced me of all I needed. Within a few weeks I had a logo, a motto, an animated title with music etc...
My friends and family found it lovely but still I wasn't getting any contact. One friend who was in the business but was a bit expensive for me had a look at the traffic: 5 a day top! A disaster! Then I tried to create 2 other websites related to the subject and have links from one another. More money, more time spent and no result.
I can't remember how I found it. But it took me a month or two going back and forth, looking at what it said, listening to Ken Evoy's video and other videos talking about it. This is when I got a bill to renew my sites from my website manager. His bill was far more expensive than the price for SBI. At the time, SBI did not offer a free trial period but I thought it looked attractive and at least I could become a bit more knowledgeable about websites and start to understand what was needed to have a successful one. What attracted me the most was the fact that I could write in it whenever I wanted, without learning a special language, without having to go to a website manager. So, I bought SBI, started to read their instructions and understood straight away that I had been wasting my time and my money up to that date. I fired my website manager and let die the 3 websites that were of no use.
What's to learn comes in the form of "10 Days" lessons. Each day has a video attached to download which is a good summary of that "day" and there is a very dense text attached to it. I don't know if I am a bit slow or if my work at the time was making me tired or if the fibro fog was on but one “day” took me longer than a day! For 4 days they make you work and research (keywords and brainstorm) on your chosen subject before allowing you on day 5 to choose your domain name. Yes, you must first make sure that your subject is one that people surfing the net are looking for. Because it may be the most fascinating subject in the world but if no one looks for it, it will not be visited and no one will read what you say, however interesting that may be! I'll give you an example. I want to talk about magnesium because its deficiency is a major factor in fibromyalgia. I thought about doing a specific website on magnesium. Study with SBI's keywords and brainstorming tools: not a chance to attract traffic as a specific website. So my only option will be to do it within the fibromyalgia website (that will save me money!)
It is unique to Ken Evoy's SBI its founding man (and what a brilliant man he is!).
- First: C for Content. A website is an attraction if it provides good content. That means good information so people looking for information (that's why we surf the net) can find it interesting and come back and become fan of it so they bookmark it. SBI puts you automatically on the main search engines like Google and Yahoo and send them notice whenever you make a new page or a change in a page. They do it for you and at the right time so the search engines don't get upset. Each search engine has its own rules and SBI knows them. You don't have to worry. Search engines love websites that provide information because that is what net surfers look for!
- Second: T for Traffic. You want traffic for your website so you can provide information to as many people as possible, and then you will be able to market whatever you want through your website. To increase the traffic, you create more content with new pages, a blog that comes with SBI, forms that you get people to fill in (like the fibromyalgia test), C2 that allows the visitors to comment (like the pages on "Your website", "Bad doctors", Fibro Support") or a newsletter (like the Florence Nightingale Newsletter).
- Third: P for Preselling. SBI is the only web system that has introduced the notion of preselling. And Ken Evoy is rightly insistent on it. Let's take an example. If you have a hotel and want to make a website for it (you better because 1/3 of hotel bookings are done on the net) you are not going to say: Here we are, this is the address, we have 120 bedrooms and this is the price. If you do that (and 90% of hotels do just that) your website is not going to be a success. To be attractive, you will talk about the facilities, why the hotel is well situated, why customers come back and also show good photos of your facilities. Your tone must be professional but also friendly enough (according to the clientele you market to) to be attractive. I know of one hotel in a big touristic city that fills up its rooms by marketing only through its website. No brochure, no leaflet, no ads: just a good website (and good service). This is the opportunity for me to tell you a big secret: if you can talk to your family and friends, you can write on your website the same way and be highly attractive. You suddenly think of something you could add: you log in your SBI, open the page you want to edit and just write: That's it! And before you "build it" (one click), you preview it to see if it appears as you want (one click) and you analyze it to make sure you pass the test of the search engines (one click). I now do it in less than a minute (lets say 5 minutes).
- Fourth: M for Monetizing. Once you have good content and get at least 20 visitors a day (you can watch your traffic every day with one click), you can monetize your site. You will sell whatever you want to sell (e-books, your work or services, affiliate to sell what others produce) if you have done your preselling well.
- Whenever you want information help is at hand
. There is a huge and very friendly forum where you can ask questions and find answers . Ken is very active in it.
. Every week you get a newsletter from SBI giving you tips and announcing new services with your SBI. You don’t have to read magazines and an enormous amount of information that is published: SBI does it for you and bring you what’s most important.
. You have access to e-books, all free when written by SBI, or at special price for SBIers.
. You can email SBI: I can tell you from experience that I always got fast and very precise answers. They are really very helpful.
. If you are really stuck with ideas or unsure of the next step, you can get help for a reasonable amount of money. In fact, if you wish so you can have your website done for you!
. You can also take the online course to learn all about SBI (as it is taught in some 25 universities and colleges).
- If you're like me and don't intend to learn websites language, you just write and SBI does the rest. But if you are a seasoned webmaster, you can use it in SBI like thousands others do.
Now it feels great to be able to wake up in the morning knowing I’m going to be doing something I love. Web creation is a therapy for my fibro because SBI makes it so easy.
- SBI supports over 1/2 million websites!
- 60% of websites supported by SBI are in the top 3% of all websites in term of traffic. Last time I looked, this website was in the top 2%. Not bad for a website created by a brain fog 3 years ago on a small niche (you can verify through Alexa: 4 million out of 206 million registered domains).
- They are so sure that you have no risk: 30 days money-back guarantee (and you keep the domain name).
- If you have a hobby, or any specific knowledge on any subject: that's it
- You can sell other's products such as through clickbank
- You can even be an SBI Affiliate and sell SBI through your site. The process is very generous and you know that you’re selling a first class product.
But remember: sell only what you think is good because preselling start with trust and quality information.
As part as my commitment to you, I offer you to talk to me if you have any question about SBI. I know quite a bit but not all. I’ll do my best to help. For those of you who want to start a job from your house, this is your opportunity. We may even find ways to work together but in any case I am willing to help. If you just want to talk about a project, let’s talk! Contact me on AnneMasterson@fibromyalgia-information-relief.com
- Take the Video Tour as a great introduction and big picture overview of Solo Build It! But be careful: there is one sudden and loud noise in the video that maybe stressful to your fibro. If you're worried about it you can take a Slide show tour
- You’ve lost your job because of fibro or you would like to control your working day: watch how mums and dads made a business from home.
- You want to know how to turn a hobby or a passion into a business? Solo Build It teaches you to be successful and it’s so easy that it's a license to print money!
- Looking for an idea or interested to become an affiliate?. You can do both!
- As I have said before, you may want to have your website done for you totally or partially but still keep control. Much cheaper and better than my previous experiences!
- You are still not sure and want to put questions to an adviser for free. Don’t hesitate!
- Grab this opportunity to get free e-books from Solo Build It.
Make your words sell or how you can write even if you think you can't
How to write an e-book!
Hope you find what you’re looking for
Big Hugs
Anne Masterson
Website building is a way to earn money for those who have lost their income
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