Three E - Books And Three Videos To Explain Fibromyalgia

3 Fibromyalgia E - Books to answer Why? What? and How?
Your three most common questions

You are a fibromyalgia sufferer or you know someone close to you and you need knowledge about this terrible disease.

You will find most of answers in these three e-books, each one about each question: Why, What and How.

Why most of your answers? Because this disease is poorly known and understood, has been frowned upon, is invaded by miracle cures and diverse interests, not least of which the pharmaceutical industry. It is one of the most changing health areas from discussing existence, theories, diagnosis, and treatment.

These three e-books we will try to answer the three main questions.


This e-book takes you through one of the most amazing puzzle of explaining why fibromyalgia does unhappily exist! It will give you the key to the next two e-books, key without which your understanding would be limited. And understanding is half the problem solved. Because Fibromyalgia Is Not In Your Head! It’s a muscle disease


From an in-depth study of fibromyalgia sufferers’ complaints comes this extensive discussion of signs and symptoms. But that’s not all! It also explains why fibromyalgia sufferers have those signs and symptoms. For the first time you’ll understand why you’re in pain and what’s the basis of it. With original drawings you’ll know what hypersensitive pain is as well as why your joints are normal but so painful. And the explanations go on about IBS, fibromyalgia fog and other symtoms of fibromyalgia


From over 30 years of experience in pain and neuro-sciences by their authors this e-book brings basic advices on how to deal with your fibromyalgia. Let’s be clear: it’s not a magic wand or a miracle cure but the everyday care you should take and you are strongly advised to clear it with your physician. From counseling in diet, supplements, exercises and relaxation management, you’ll find the basic care you owe to yourself to manage your disease. And each counseling is made with your difficulties in mind. No stupid boot-camp training style but very moderate exercises that we teach you even to restrain even further! No magical diets for people with fibromyalgia! Just clear and concise advice to follow. This e-book comes with a key to access 3 exercises videos that are so simple yet so efficient to do.

You landed on this page because you want to get better

We’ll take you through an enlightening process. It is recognized that the diagnosis of fibromyalgia takes 3-5 years before being made! You need to raise your understanding faster!
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Fibromyalgia Books

The content of these eBooks is not warranted for correctness, and is used by the reader at his/her own will. No other warranty is given for using the content of these eBooks. Any fibromyalgia sufferer should consult his/her physician about any diagnosis and/or treatment.

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