Embarrassed beyond belief...

by Mary
(Peoria AZ)

I went to a medical professional for the treatment of a large painful lump in my left thigh. The main purpose of the visit was to find out if the lump was vascular or not.

While speaking with the doctor and going over my chart he came upon the area where I listed Fibromyalgia on their requested information and he went on a tirade yelling at me "Why" "Why" Why, do you hurt?" Needless to say I was in tears, my poor husband was speechless. When the nurse saw that I was so upset she asked me why and told me that he oversteps his boundaries like that all of the time. Anyway the nurse did the ultra sound on my leg and found out the lump in my leg has no veins attached to it. I got out of there as quickly as I could. The lump is smaller but still in my leg. It doesn't hurt anymore so I guess I will just wait and see. All I wanted to do was to get away from this place as fast as possible.
I have never in my life been so humiliated by a doctor. And trust me it will never happen again.

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He needs to be reported and rated on the internet!
by: MichSaun

your should say what the Drs name is and report him to a medical board. Also here in Canada we have a site where we can rate MDs http://www.ratemds.com/
Maybe there is something similar where you are.

So sorry that happened!
by: Anonymous

If that were me I would have came to my feet and listen here that doctor and I would have went 15 rounds! Nobody but nobody will ever get in my face about my fibro pain ever!!! I am so sorry that happened to you!!! What he needs is a patient like me who will chop him off at both knees ;)

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