I have felt so bad since my soft tissue cortisone shots!
by pam
(steelvill mo.)
Hello, my name is Pam.
I have had fibromyalgia for some years now.
It gets so bad I can’t get up from a sitting position without feeling like my thighs are going to tear and bleed.
My back hurts all the time and so does my neck, I can barely turn it.
My arms hurt, legs hurt, everything.
I got soft tissue cortisone injections, in the sides of my legs, and lower back, this seemed to help for a couple of years.
So when I went 9 months without any injections, I was feeling pretty bad.
So went to dr. and got the injections on sides of legs, lower back, and 2 in each side of neck.
The next day I woke up with a BAD headache.
And the day later when I got up I noticed my face was real flushed, everyone at work was concerned about me.
I called the Dr. and she doesn’t think it was theses injections.
I know it had to be.
I could not sleep, severe insomnia, my brain would not slow down enough to let me sleep.
I was all jittery, revved up, and excessive sweating.
It has been 10 days since this happened, I still don’t feel good.
I don’t know if I had too many injections at once, or what happened, it didn’t do this before.
I don’t know what to do, my neck and back feel great, but I feel like a nervous breakdown.