I have Fibro, ... Fibro doesn't have me

by Brenda
(Manitoba Canada)

As I read through everyone's posts, I find my self in almost every one of them. from night jerks, to memory loss, The constant pain that no one understands, and many other symptoms. I was DX with Fibro 12 years ago and have not been put on any meds, Iv seen 3 different specialists and two DRs. who all don't know what to do for me. I have left the work force because I couldn't continue with the demands of my job ( Health care assistant) my dr said I don't qualify for disability and to go get a desk job. The on going pain I endure does not allow me to sleep at night, I can not stay in one position for long as my body starts to seize up. I stretch and walk daily to try and keep mobile. No one in my family understands what I am going through, They even think I'm faking it. I've given up on any hope that there is any help for me. I just keep quite and silently struggle through each day. Each day is always different with different types of issues. One day could be were my balance is so off I can't stand still and end up falling all day or it could be a day where my whole body is jerking. The only constant symptom is the never ending pain. But whatever the day has in store for me I endure it as best I can and meet it head on. I can either crawl under the covers and suffer the day away or I can live life as best I can regardless of how bad I feel. I make a habit of choosing the second option. And although I would never want to wish this illness on anyone, it's nice to know I'm not alone.

Anne's comment: I love your title Brenda. It shows resilience!

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by: catherine

I really appreciate what you're saying. We have no choice anyway, the only one is to continue to fight and live according to our status at the time. Lamenting our fate is useless.
I was offered treatment with intravenous to try to increase my pain threshold with ketamine and I hope it will be an improvement. However short, it will be welcome.
This will be on December 6th at the day center of the pain clinic in Charleroi Belgium.
I must return every 3 weeks, the only "inconvenient."
I wish you all courage and perseverance.

Fibromyalgia, you do not get me!

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