Liz has a shoulder problem

I have not been able to go to my doctors and have been struggling on. But I have to go next week to try to get some relief to my damaged shoulder. I will be having cortisone injection but not for over 3 weeks.

Does anyone know of a tried and tested pain killer? I seem to have tried lots.
This shoulder has been hurting for 15-18 months and is now unbearable but the pain has always been put down to my fibro. It really worries me that one day something will be missed because it’s "fibromyalgia"

I'm fed up with being ill!!!!

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rotator cuff
by: Anonymous

MRI showed torn my rotator cuff tendon. Have me/cfs/fms/lyme. Surgery not a success. I had been on levaquin for the lyme and think the damage is continuing from the abx. Maybe I should sue? Ultracet helped me for pain. Good luck!

Yes, Frozen Shoulder Affects All Activities
by: Susan H McIntyre

Yes, my frozen shoulder incidents brought everything to a halt. There was nothing I could do except deal with it. No other activities other than physical therapy. Ouch! No pain relief! I'm so sorry that you are both going through this. I hope you can find out what set it off. In my case, the first one was due to BC surgery affecting the right pectoral muscle while the back muscles tried to stabilize it. The second time was from an irritated nerve from a neck injury, causing spasms that locked the shoulder by squeezing the nerves that go through the shoulder. Now I have muscle trigger points that spasm and have reflected pain down my back. Top & bottom of spine are injured. If I get tired, I lose use of right arm & leg. I wouldn't wish frozen shoulder on anyone! Sending lots of one-armed hugs to both of you!

Gradually Move That Shoulder!
by: Susan H McIntyre

I have had physical therapy twice for frozen shoulder. If ice doesn't help, use heat. I could not tolerate ice. Most importantly, if you do not have access to physical therapy, start by moving the shoulder gently. Lean toward one side and let the arm swing freely without making any effort. Not using the shoulder will make it worse. There is much information online if you search "sports injuries" as well. Whatever you do, gradually move that shoulder!

Shoulder Problem
by: Sema


I have a frozen shoulder. Have you actually been diagnosed with an xray or an MRI? Have u tried Physio, etc etc? I have tried both & acupuncture. I have found a great chiropractor in Toronto who treats professional athletes and pain patients alike. I am having an MRI at his request, will tweet results.

Good luck,


So sorry you hurt Liz
by: Anonymous

Hi Liz, unless you have had an injury to your shoulder it might be your fibromyalgia, or maybe arthritis. I surely sympathize with your illness and pain as I feel so fed up with the pain and limitation imposed upon me by the pain and disease ~ it sucks!
I've been placed on methadone for the pain & it has allowed me some ability to function as it has helped my leg pains (I was barely able to walk) but I still get really bad joint pain especially in the mornings.
Amazingly everyone wants us to stay 'positive' but such encouragements do little to relieve the pain and complete simple everyday tasks. When it comes to pain management, I don't believe there is too much out there besides aspirin, tylenol, motrin, naprosyn, darvocet and the narcs. And of course ice and heat therapy. All I have tried and none successful.
I am sorry you hurt, you are not alone. I wish you luck and can lend an ear if it helps.

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