U.K Fibromyalgia Treatment
by Jennifer
(Nottinghamshire, England. U.K)
Hi all. My name is Jennifer, I am 27 Yrs old and suffered from Fibromyalgia for 7 years now... I have been pushed from pillar to post. With this I have hundreds of symptoms which are scary enough when they come. My G.P gave me different treatment then stopped listening to me. I have had a long treatment of tramadol which took the edge of normal fibro pain but I have nothing for breakthrough pain. Now they only will supply regular codeine which makes me sick. I have tried Gabapentin and it helps but the side effects were awful. I have to have sticks to walk and a wheelchair for distance walking, I don’t go anywhere alone because I feel so ill, with no where to go and no treatment to take. One dr. said I had osteoarthritis in my knees. HOW MY JOINTS ARE AFFECTED (Fm isn't suppose to affect joints?). Another in the same practice basically laughed at me when I complained of bad hip pain, he thought I diagnosed myself with arthritis. I went because of the pain no matter what caused it. I have had physical therapy on the NHS. The therapist just pushed me which made me worse. I have regular bladder infections which I’m suppose to be seeing a specialist for can you imagine? I will just get branded a hypochondriac who no one can help. We didn't just GET ILL. So we can’t just NOT BE TREATED. Millions of people suffering, it’s becoming a pandemic. Can we all just have it in our heads: NO! The NHS needs a proper system to treat us properly otherwise we will be no better and our lives will just stop, as most have including mine. That tells you and should tell them. I know exactly what you’re all going through, a horrific nightmare and hope to wake from it one day, otherwise day in day out we would just be ridiculed. I have just been tested for M.S its negative, but I have low Vitamin D and Tested positive for the Epstein Barr virus anti-bodies which contribute to a FM diagnosis. It has started from a virus. My thoughts are with you all that are going through. I keep pushing. We know it’s not right!